eLaws of Florida

SECTION 379.401. Penalties and violations; civil penalties for noncriminal infractions; criminal penalties; suspension and forfeiture of licenses and permits.  

Latest version.
    6(a) 7A person commits a Level One violation if he or she violates any of the following provisions:
    241. 25Rules or orders of the commission relating to the filing of reports or other documents required to be filed by persons who hold any recreational licenses and permits or any alligator licenses and permits issued by the commission.
    632. 64Rules or orders of the commission relating to quota hunt permits, daily use permits, hunting zone assignments, camping, alcoholic beverages, vehicles, and check stations within wildlife management areas or other areas managed by the commission.
    993. 100Rules or orders of the commission relating to daily use permits, alcoholic beverages, swimming, possession of firearms, operation of vehicles, and watercraft speed within fish management areas managed by the commission.
    1314. 132Rules or orders of the commission relating to vessel size or specifying motor restrictions on specified water bodies.
    1505. 151Rules or orders of the commission requiring the return of unused CITES tags issued under the Statewide Alligator Harvest Program or the Statewide Nuisance Alligator Program.
    1776. 178Section 179379.3003, 180prohibiting deer hunting unless required clothing is worn.
    1887. 189Section 190379.354(1)191-(15), providing for recreational licenses to hunt, fish, and trap.
    2018. 202Section 203379.3581, 204providing hunter safety course requirements.
    209(b) 210A person who commits a Level One violation commits a noncriminal infraction and shall be cited to appear before the county court.
    232(c)1. 233The civil penalty for committing a Level One violation involving the license and permit requirements of s. 250379.354 251is $50 plus the cost of the license or permit, unless subparagraph 2. applies. Alternatively, except for a person who violates s. 273379.354(6), 274(7), or (8)(f) or (h), a person who violates the license and permit requirements of s. 290379.354 291and is subject to the penalties of this subparagraph may purchase the license or permit, provide proof of such license or permit, and pay a civil penalty of $50.
    3202. 321The civil penalty for committing a Level One violation involving the license and permit requirements of s. 338379.354 339is $250 plus the cost of the license or permit if the person cited has previously committed the same Level One violation within the preceding 36 months. Alternatively, except for a person who violates s. 374379.354(6), 375(7), or (8)(f) or (h), a person who violates the license and permit requirements of s. 391379.354 392and is subject to the penalties of this subparagraph may purchase the license or permit, provide proof of such license or permit, and pay a civil penalty of $250.
    421(d)1. 422The civil penalty for any other Level One violation is $50 unless subparagraph 2. applies.
    4372. 438The civil penalty for any other Level One violation is $250 if the person cited has previously committed the same Level One violation within the preceding 36 months.
    466(e) 467A person cited for a Level One violation shall sign and accept a citation to appear before the county court. The issuing officer may indicate on the citation the time and location of the scheduled hearing and shall indicate the applicable civil penalty.
    510(f) 511A person cited for a Level One violation may pay the civil penalty, and, if applicable, provide proof of the license or permit required under s. 537379.354 538by mail or in person within 30 days after receipt of the citation. If the civil penalty is paid, the person shall be deemed to have admitted committing the Level One violation and to have waived his or her right to a hearing before the county court. Such admission may not be used as evidence in any other proceedings except to determine the appropriate fine for any subsequent violations.
    607(g) 608A person who refuses to accept a citation, who fails to pay the civil penalty for a Level One violation, or who fails to appear before a county court as required commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 651775.082 652or s. 654775.083655.
    656(h) 657A person who elects to appear before the county court or who is required to appear before the county court shall be deemed to have waived the limitations on civil penalties provided under paragraphs (c) and (d). After a hearing, the county court shall determine if a Level One violation has been committed, and if so, may impose a civil penalty of not less than $50 for a first-time violation, and not more than $500 for subsequent violations. A person found guilty of committing a Level One violation may appeal that finding to the circuit court. The commission of a violation must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
    765(i) 766A person cited for violating the requirements of s. 775379.354 776relating to personal possession of a license or permit may not be convicted if, before or at the time of a county court hearing, the person produces the required license or permit for verification by the hearing officer or the court clerk. The license or permit must have been valid at the time the person was cited. The clerk or hearing officer may assess a $10 fee for costs under this paragraph, from which the clerk shall remit $5 to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the General Revenue Fund.
    867(2) 868LEVEL TWO VIOLATIONS.871-
    872(a) 873A person commits a Level Two violation if he or she violates any of the following provisions:
    8901. 891Rules or orders of the commission relating to seasons or time periods for the taking of wildlife, freshwater fish, or saltwater fish.
    9132. 914Rules or orders of the commission establishing bag, possession, or size limits or restricting methods of taking wildlife, freshwater fish, or saltwater fish.
    9373. 938Rules or orders of the commission prohibiting access or otherwise relating to access to wildlife management areas or other areas managed by the commission.
    9624. 963Rules or orders of the commission relating to the feeding of saltwater fish.
    9765. 977Rules or orders of the commission relating to landing requirements for freshwater fish or saltwater fish.
    9936. 994Rules or orders of the commission relating to restricted hunting areas, critical wildlife areas, or bird sanctuaries.
    10117. 1012Rules or orders of the commission relating to tagging requirements for wildlife and fur-bearing animals.
    10278. 1028Rules or orders of the commission relating to the use of dogs for the taking of wildlife.
    10459. 1046Rules or orders of the commission which are not otherwise classified.
    105710. 1058Rules or orders of the commission prohibiting the unlawful use of traps, unless otherwise provided by law.
    107511. 1076Rules or orders of the commission requiring the maintenance of records relating to alligators.
    109012. 1091Rules or orders of the commission requiring the return of unused CITES tags issued under an alligator program other than the Statewide Alligator Harvest Program or the Statewide Nuisance Alligator Program.
    112213. 1123All requirements or prohibitions under this chapter which are not otherwise classified.
    113514. 1136Section 1137379.105, 1138prohibiting the intentional harassment of hunters, fishers, or trappers.
    114715. 1148Section 1149379.2421, 1150relating to fishers and equipment.
    115516. 1156Section 1157379.2425, 1158relating to spearfishing.
    116117. 1162Section 1163379.29, 1164prohibiting the contamination of fresh waters.
    117018. 1171Section 1172379.295, 1173prohibiting the use of explosives and other substances or force in fresh waters.
    118619. 1187Section 1188379.3502, 1189prohibiting the loan or transfer of a license or permit and the use of a borrowed or transferred license or permit.
    121020. 1211Section 1212379.3503, 1213prohibiting false statements in an application for a license or permit.
    122421. 1225Section 1226379.3504, 1227prohibiting entering false information on licenses or permits.
    123522. 1236Section 1237379.3511, 1238relating to the sale of hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses and permits by subagents.
    125223. 1253Section 1254379.357(3), 1255prohibiting the taking, killing, or possession of tarpon without purchasing a tarpon tag.
    126824. 1269Section 1270379.363, 1271relating to freshwater fish dealer licenses.
    127725. 1278Section 1279379.364, 1280relating to fur and hide dealer licenses.
    128726. 1288Section 1289379.365(2)(b), 1290prohibiting the theft of stone crab trap contents or trap gear.
    130127. 1302Section 1303379.366(4)(b), 1304prohibiting the theft of blue crab trap contents or trap gear.
    131528. 1316Section 1317379.3671(2)(c), 1318except s. 1320379.3671(2)(c)51321., prohibiting the theft of spiny lobster trap contents or trap gear.
    133329. 1334Section 1335379.3751, 1336relating to licenses for the taking and possession of alligators.
    134630. 1347Section 1348379.3752, 1349relating to tagging requirements for alligators and hides.
    135731. 1358Section 1359379.413, 1360prohibiting the unlawful taking of bonefish.
    1366(b)1. 1367A person who commits a Level Two violation but who has not been convicted of a Level Two or higher violation within the past 3 years commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 1405775.082 1406or s. 1408775.0831409.
    14102. 1411Unless the stricter penalties in subparagraph 3. or subparagraph 4. apply, a person who commits a Level Two violation within 3 years after a previous conviction for a Level Two or higher violation commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 1456775.082 1457or s. 1459775.083, 1460with a minimum mandatory fine of $250.
    14673. 1468Unless the stricter penalties in subparagraph 4. apply, a person who commits a Level Two violation within 5 years after two previous convictions for a Level Two or higher violation, commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 1510775.082 1511or s. 1513775.083, 1514with a minimum mandatory fine of $500 and a suspension of any recreational license or permit issued under s. 1533379.354 1534for 1 year. Such suspension shall include the suspension of the privilege to obtain such license or permit and the suspension of the ability to exercise any privilege granted under any exemption in s. 1568379.3531569.
    15704. 1571A person who commits a Level Two violation within 10 years after three previous convictions for a Level Two or higher violation commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 1605775.082 1606or s. 1608775.083, 1609with a minimum mandatory fine of $750 and a suspension of any recreational license or permit issued under s. 1628379.354 1629for 3 years. Such suspension shall include the suspension of the privilege to obtain such license or permit and the suspension of the ability to exercise any privilege granted under s. 1660379.3531661. If the recreational license or permit being suspended was an annual license or permit, any privileges under ss. 1680379.353 1681and 1682379.354 1683may not be acquired for a 3-year period following the date of the violation.
    1697(3) 1698LEVEL THREE VIOLATIONS.1701-
    1702(a) 1703A person commits a Level Three violation if he or she violates any of the following provisions:
    17201. 1721Rules or orders of the commission prohibiting the sale of saltwater fish.
    17332. 1734Rules or orders of the commission prohibiting the illegal importation or possession of exotic marine plants or animals.
    17523. 1753Section 1754379.28, 1755prohibiting the importation of freshwater fish.
    17614. 1762Section 1763379.3014, 1764prohibiting the illegal sale or possession of alligators.
    17725. 1773Section 1774379.354(17), 1775prohibiting the taking of game, freshwater fish, or saltwater fish while a required license is suspended or revoked.
    17936. 1794Section 1795379.357(4), 1796prohibiting the sale, transfer, or purchase of tarpon.
    18047. 1805Section 1806379.404(1), 1807(3), and (6), prohibiting the illegal taking and possession of deer and wild turkey.
    18218. 1822Section 1823379.4041(1), 1824prohibiting the illegal taking and possession of bears.
    18329. 1833Section 1834379.406, 1835prohibiting the possession and transportation of commercial quantities of freshwater game fish.
    184710. 1848Section 1849379.407(2), 1850establishing major violations.
    185311. 1854Section 1855379.407(4), 1856prohibiting the possession of certain finfish in excess of recreational daily bag limits.
    1869(b)1. 1870A person who commits a Level Three violation but who has not been convicted of a Level Three or higher violation within the past 10 years commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 1908775.082 1909or s. 1911775.0831912.
    19132. 1914A person who commits a Level Three violation within 10 years after a previous conviction for a Level Three or higher violation commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 1948775.082 1949or s. 1951775.083, 1952with a minimum mandatory fine of $750 and a suspension of any recreational license or permit issued under s. 1971379.354 1972for the remainder of the period for which the license or permit was issued up to 3 years. Such suspension shall include the suspension of the privilege to obtain such license or permit and the ability to exercise any privilege granted under s. 2015379.3532016. If the recreational license or permit being suspended was an annual license or permit, any privileges under ss. 2035379.353 2036and 2037379.354 2038may not be acquired for a 3-year period following the date of the violation.
    20523. 2053A person who commits a violation of s. 2061379.354(17) 2062shall receive a mandatory fine of $1,000. Any privileges under ss. 2074379.353 2075and 2076379.354 2077may not be acquired for a 5-year period following the date of the violation.
    2091(4) 2092LEVEL FOUR VIOLATIONS.2095-
    2096(a) 2097A person commits a Level Four violation if he or she violates any of the following provisions:
    21141. 2115Section 2116379.354(16), 2117prohibiting the making, forging, counterfeiting, or reproduction of a recreational license or the possession of same without authorization from the commission.
    21382. 2139Section 2140379.365(2)(c), 2141prohibiting criminal activities relating to the taking of stone crabs.
    21513. 2152Section 2153379.366(4)(c), 2154prohibiting criminal activities relating to the taking and harvesting of blue crabs.
    21664. 2167Section 2168379.367(4), 2169prohibiting the willful molestation of spiny lobster gear.
    21775. 2178Section 2179379.3671(2)(c)52180., prohibiting the unlawful reproduction, possession, sale, trade, or barter of spiny lobster trap tags or certificates.
    21976. 2198Section 2199379.404(5), 2200prohibiting the sale of illegally taken deer or wild turkey.
    22107. 2211Section 2212379.4041(2), 2213prohibiting the sale of illegally taken bears.
    22208. 2221Section 2222379.405, 2223prohibiting the molestation or theft of freshwater fishing gear.
    22329. 2233Section 2234379.409, 2235prohibiting the unlawful killing, injuring, possessing, or capturing of alligators or other crocodilia or their eggs.
    225110. 2252Section 2253379.411, 2254prohibiting the intentional killing or wounding of any species designated as endangered, threatened, or of special concern.
    227111. 2272Section 2273379.4115, 2274prohibiting the killing of any Florida or wild panther.
    2283(b) 2284A person who commits a Level Four violation commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 2304775.082, 2305s. 2306775.083, 2307or s. 2309775.0842310.
    2311(5) 2312ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES WHILE COMMITTING TRESPASS.2317-2318In addition to any other penalty provided by law, a person who violates the criminal provisions of this chapter or rules or orders of the commission by illegally killing, taking, possessing, or selling fish and wildlife in or out of season while violating chapter 810 shall pay a fine of $500 for each such violation, plus court costs and any restitution ordered by the court. All fines collected under this subsection shall be remitted by the clerk of the court to the Department of Revenue to be deposited into the State Game Trust Fund.
    2412(6) 2413SUSPENSION OR FORFEITURE OF LICENSE.2418-2419The court may order the suspension or forfeiture of any license or permit issued under this chapter to a person who is found guilty of committing a violation of this chapter.
    2450(7) 2451CONVICTION DEFINED.2453-2454As used in this section, the term “conviction” means any judicial disposition other than acquittal or dismissal.
History.-s. 6, ch. 21945, 1943; s. 1, ch. 23750, 1947; s. 11, ch. 25035, 1949; s. 9, ch. 26766, 1951; s. 7, ch. 69-216; s. 316, ch. 71-136; s. 3, ch. 91-134; s. 586, ch. 95-148; s. 40, ch. 2000-362; s. 32, ch. 2002-46; s. 20, ch. 2006-304; s. 22, ch. 2007-223; s. 37, ch. 2008-111; s. 168, ch. 2008-247; s. 41, ch. 2009-86; s. 5, ch. 2010-185; s. 2, ch. 2014-107; s. 14, ch. 2014-136; s. 11, ch. 2015-161; s. 20, ch. 2016-107; s. 22, ch. 2019-58; s. 1, ch. 2020-66.


Note.-Former s. 372.83.

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