Florida Statutes (Last Updated: April 21, 2021) |
SECTION 562.01. Possession of untaxed beverages. |
SECTION 562.02. Possession of beverage not permitted to be sold under license. |
SECTION 562.025. Possession of beverages as food ingredients. |
SECTION 562.03. Storage on licensed premises. |
SECTION 562.06. Sale only on licensed premises. |
SECTION 562.061. Misrepresentation of beverages sold on licensed premises. |
SECTION 562.07. Illegal transportation of beverages. |
SECTION 562.111. Possession of alcoholic beverages by persons under age 21 prohibited. |
SECTION 562.112. Alcohol-related or drug-related overdoses; medical assistance; immunity from arrest, charge, prosecution, and penalization. |
SECTION 562.12. Beverages sold with improper license, or without license or registration, or held with intent to sell prohibited. |
SECTION 562.121. Operating bottle club without license prohibited. |
SECTION 562.13. Employment of minors or certain other persons by certain vendors prohibited; exceptions. |
SECTION 562.131. Solicitation for sale of alcoholic beverage prohibited; penalty. |
SECTION 562.14. Regulating the time for sale of alcoholic and intoxicating beverages; prohibiting use of licensed premises. |
SECTION 562.15. Unlawful possession; unpaid taxes. |
SECTION 562.16. Possession of beverages upon which tax is unpaid. |
SECTION 562.165. Production of beer or wine for personal or family use; exemption. |
SECTION 562.17. Collection of unpaid beverage taxes. |
SECTION 562.18. Possession of beverage upon which federal tax unpaid. |
SECTION 562.20. Monthly reports by common and other carriers of beverages required. |
SECTION 562.23. Conspiracy to violate Beverage Law; penalty. |
SECTION 562.24. Administration of oaths by director or authorized employees. |
SECTION 562.25. State bonded warehouses. |
SECTION 562.26. Delivering beverage on which tax unpaid. |
SECTION 562.27. Seizure and forfeiture. |
SECTION 562.28. Possession of beverages in fraud of Beverage Law. |
SECTION 562.29. Raw materials and personal property; seizure and forfeiture. |
SECTION 562.30. Possession of beverage prima facie evidence; exception. |
SECTION 562.31. Possession of raw materials prima facie evidence; exception. |
SECTION 562.32. Moving or concealing beverage with intent to defraud state of tax; penalty. |
SECTION 562.33. Beverage and personal property; seizure and forfeiture. |
SECTION 562.34. Containers; seizure and forfeiture. |
SECTION 562.35. Conveyance; seizure and forfeiture. |
SECTION 562.36. Beverage on conveyance prima facie evidence; proviso. |
SECTION 562.38. Report of seizures. |
SECTION 562.408. Exercise of police power. |
SECTION 562.41. Searches; penalty. |
SECTION 562.42. Destruction of forfeited property. |
SECTION 562.44. Donation of forfeited beverages or raw materials to state institutions; sale of forfeited beverages. |
SECTION 562.451. Moonshine whiskey; ownership, possession, or control prohibited; penalties; rule of evidence. |
SECTION 562.452. Curb service of intoxicating liquor prohibited. |
SECTION 562.453. Curb drinking of intoxicating liquor prohibited. |
SECTION 562.454. Vendors to be closed in time of riot. |
SECTION 562.455. Adulterating liquor; penalty. |
SECTION 562.46. Legal remedies not impaired. |
SECTION 562.47. Rules of evidence; Beverage Law. |
SECTION 562.48. Minors patronizing, visiting, or loitering in a dance hall. |
SECTION 562.50. Habitual drunkards; furnishing intoxicants to, after notice. |
SECTION 562.51. Retail alcoholic beverage establishments; rights as private enterprise. |
SECTION 562.61. Sale, offer for sale, purchase, or use of alcohol vaporizing devices prohibited. |