35(b) 36If the court issues an order of no contact, refrain from any contact of any type with the victim, except through pretrial discovery pursuant to the Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure. An order of no contact is effective immediately and enforceable for the duration of the pretrial release or until it is modified by the court. The defendant shall be informed in writing of the order of no contact, specifying the applicable prohibited acts, before the defendant is released from custody on pretrial release. As used in this section, unless otherwise specified by the court, the term “no contact” includes the following prohibited acts:1401. 141Communicating orally or in any written form, either in person, telephonically, electronically, or in any other manner, either directly or indirectly through a third person, with the victim or any other person named in the order. If the victim and the defendant have children in common, at the request of the defendant, the court may designate an appropriate third person to contact the victim for the sole purpose of facilitating the defendant’s contact with the children. However, this subparagraph does not prohibit an attorney for the defendant, consistent with rules regulating The Florida Bar, from communicating with any person protected by the no contact order for lawful purposes.
2492. 250Having physical or violent contact with the victim or other named person or his or her property.
2673. 268Being within 500 feet of the victim’s or other named person’s residence, even if the defendant and the victim or other named person share the residence.
2944. 295Being within 500 feet of the victim’s or other named person’s vehicle, place of employment, or a specified place frequented regularly by such person.