8(1) 9If it does not bear a label that specifies:18(a) 19The brand of the product.
24(b) 25The identity of the product.
30(c) 31The name and address of the manufacturer, packager, distributor, or registrant.
42(d) 43The net quantity of contents (in terms of liquid measure) separately and accurately in a uniform location upon the principal display panel.
65(e) 66A statement warning of any hazard of substantial injury to human beings which may result from the intended use or reasonably foreseeable misuse of the antifreeze.
92(f) 93The primary chemical component functioning as the antifreeze agent.
102(g) 103The appropriate amount, percentage, proportion, or concentration of the antifreeze to be used to provide claimed protection from freezing at a specified degree or degrees of temperature, claimed protection from corrosion, or claimed increase of boiling point or protection from overheating.