eLaws of Florida

  SECTION 402.56. Children’s cabinet; organization; responsibilities; annual report.  

Latest version.
  • 1(1) 2SHORT TITLE.4-5This act may be cited as the “Children and Youth Cabinet Act.”
    23(a) 24The Legislature finds that all state agencies and programs that touch the lives of children and youth must work in a coordinated and comprehensive fashion, with an emphasis on providing a continuum of services that benefit children from prenatal care through programs supporting successful transition to self-sufficient adulthood. The Legislature further finds that creating a Children and Youth Cabinet is the best method by which the state might achieve the visions and plans necessary to ensure that this state is the first place families think of when asked, “Where do you want to raise a child?”
    121(b) 122The Legislature, in collaboration with the Governor, intends to develop and implement a shared vision among the branches of government in order to improve child and family outcomes in this state. By working collaboratively, the Legislature intends to invest in the education and skills of our children and youth, develop a cohesive vision and plan that ensures a long-term commitment to children and youth issues, align public resources serving children and youth to support their healthy growth and development, and promote increased efficiency and improved service delivery by all governmental agencies that provide services for children, youth, and their families.
    222(3) 223ORGANIZATION.224-225There is created the Children and Youth Cabinet, which is a coordinating council as defined in s. 24220.03243.
    244(a) 245The cabinet shall ensure that the public policy of this state relating to children and youth is developed to promote interdepartmental collaboration and program implementation in order that services designed for children and youth are planned, managed, and delivered in a holistic and integrated manner to improve the children’s self-sufficiency, safety, economic stability, health, and quality of life.
    303(b) 304The cabinet is created in the Executive Office of the Governor, which shall provide administrative support and service to the cabinet.
    325(c) 326The cabinet shall meet at least four times each year, but no more than six times each year, in different regions of the state in order to solicit input from the public and any other individual offering testimony relevant to the issues considered. Each meeting must include a public comment session.
    377(4) 378MEMBERS.379-380The cabinet shall consist of 16 members including the Governor and the following persons:
    394(a)1. 395The Secretary of Children and Families;
    4012. 402The Secretary of Juvenile Justice;
    4073. 408The director of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities;
    4174. 418The director of the Office of Early Learning;
    4265. 427The State Surgeon General;
    4316. 432The Secretary of Health Care Administration;
    4387. 439The Commissioner of Education;
    4438. 444The director of the Statewide Guardian Ad Litem Office;
    4539. 454A representative of the Office of Adoption and Child Protection;
    46410. 465A superintendent of schools, appointed by the Governor; and
    47411. 475Five members who represent children and youth advocacy organizations and who are not service providers, appointed by the Governor.
    494(b) 495The President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Attorney General, and the Chief Financial Officer, or their appointed designees, shall serve as ex officio members of the cabinet.
    535(c) 536The Governor or the Governor’s designee shall serve as the chair of the cabinet.
    550(d) 551Nongovernmental members of the cabinet shall serve without compensation, but are entitled to receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with s. 574112.061 575while in performance of their duties.
    581(5) 582DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.585-586The Children and Youth Cabinet shall:
    592(a) 593Develop and implement a shared and cohesive vision using integrated services to improve child, youth, and family outcomes in this state.
    614(b) 615Develop a strategic plan to achieve the goals of the shared and cohesive vision. The plan shall be centered upon a long-term commitment to children and youth issues and align all public resources to serve children and youth and their families in a manner that supports the healthy growth and development of children. The plan shall prepare the children and youth to be responsible citizens and productive members of the workforce. The plan shall include a continuum of services that will benefit children from prenatal care through services for youth in transition to adulthood.
    709(c) 710Develop and implement measurable outcomes for each state department, agency, and program that are consistent with the strategic plan. The cabinet shall establish a baseline measurement for each outcome and regularly report on the progress made toward achieving the desired outcome.
    751(d) 752Design and implement actions that will promote collaboration, creativity, increased efficiency, information sharing, and improved service delivery between and within state governmental organizations that provide services for children and youth and their families. In particular, the efforts shall include the long-range planning process mandated by s. 798216.013799.
    800(e) 801Foster public awareness of children and youth issues and develop new partners in the effort to serve children and youth.
    821(f) 822Create a children and youth impact statement for evaluating proposed legislation, requested appropriations, and programs. The impact statement shall be shared with the Legislature in their deliberative process.
    850(g) 851Identify existing and potential funding streams and resources for children’s services, including, but not limited to, public funding, foundation and organization grants, and other forms of private funding opportunities, including public-private partnerships.
    883(h) 884Develop a children-and-youth-based budget structure and nomenclature that includes all relevant departments, funding streams, and programs. The budget shall facilitate improved coordination and efficiency, explore options for and allow maximization of federal financial participation, and implement the state’s vision and strategic plan.
    926(i) 927Engage in other activities that will implement improved collaboration of agencies in order to create, manage, and promote coordinated policies, programs, and service delivery systems that support children and youth.
    957(6) 958ADVISORY BOARD.960-961The Governor may appoint an advisory board to assist the cabinet in its tasks. The board shall include persons who can provide to the cabinet the best available technical and professional research and assistance. If an advisory board is created, it shall include representatives of children and youth advocacy organizations and youth, wherever practicable, who have been recipients of services and programs operated or funded by state agencies.
    1029(7) 1030ANNUAL REPORT.1032-1033The Children and Youth Cabinet shall, by February 1 of each year, provide an annual report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the public concerning its activities and progress towards making this state the first place families think of when asked, “Where do they want to raise their children?” The annual report may include recommendations for needed legislation or rulemaking authority.
History.-s. 1, ch. 2007-151; s. 53, ch. 2008-6; s. 284, ch. 2011-142; s. 61, ch. 2012-96; s. 16, ch. 2012-178; s. 152, ch. 2014-19; s. 1, ch. 2016-19; s. 70, ch. 2019-3; s. 11, ch. 2019-142.