eLaws of Florida

  SECTION 339.0801. Allocation of increased revenues derived from amendments to s. 319.32(5)(a) by ch. 2012-128.  

Latest version.
  • 1Funds that result from increased revenues to the State Transportation Trust Fund derived from the amendments to s. 19319.32(5)(a) 20made by this act must be used annually, first as set forth in subsection (1) and then as set forth in subsections (2)-(5), notwithstanding any other provision of law:
    49(1)(a) 50Beginning in the 2013-2014 fiscal year and annually for 30 years thereafter, $10 million shall be for the purpose of funding any seaport project identified in the adopted work program of the Department of Transportation, to be known as the Seaport Investment Program.
    93(b) 94The revenues may be assigned, pledged, or set aside as a trust for the payment of principal or interest on revenue bonds, or other forms of indebtedness issued by an individual port or appropriate local government having jurisdiction thereof, or collectively by interlocal agreement among any of the ports, or used to purchase credit support to permit such borrowings. Alternatively, revenue bonds shall be issued by the Division of Bond Finance at the request of the Department of Transportation under the State Bond Act and shall be secured by such revenues as are provided in this subsection.
    191(c) 192Revenue bonds or other indebtedness issued hereunder are not a general obligation of the state and are secured solely by a first lien on the revenues distributed under this subsection.
    222(d) 223The state covenants with holders of the revenue bonds or other instruments of indebtedness issued pursuant to this subsection that it will not repeal this subsection; nor take any other action, including but not limited to amending this subsection, that will materially and adversely affect the rights of such holders so long as revenue bonds or other indebtedness authorized by this subsection are outstanding.
    287(e) 288The proceeds of any revenue bonds or other indebtedness, after payment of costs of issuance and establishment of any required reserves, shall be invested in projects approved by the Department of Transportation and included in the department’s adopted work program, by amendment if necessary. As required under s. 11(f), Art. VII of the State Constitution, the Legislature approves projects included in the department’s adopted work program, including any projects added to the work program by amendment under s. 366339.135(7)367.
    368(f) 369Any revenues that are not used for the payment of bonds as authorized by this subsection may be used for purposes authorized under the Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development Program. This revenue source is in addition to any amounts provided for and appropriated in accordance with ss. 417311.07 418and 419320.20(3) 420and (4).
    422(2)(a) 423For each of the 2019-2020, 2020-2021, and 2021-2022 fiscal years, $35 million shall be transferred to Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise, to be used in accordance with Florida Turnpike Enterprise Law, to the maximum extent feasible for feeder roads, structures, interchanges, appurtenances, and other rights to create or facilitate access to the existing turnpike system.
    476(b) 477Beginning with the 2022-2023 fiscal year and annually thereafter, $35 million shall be transferred to Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise, to be used in accordance with s. 502338.2278, 503with preference to feeder roads, interchanges, and appurtenances that create or facilitate multiuse corridor access and connectivity. Of those funds, and to the maximum extent feasible, up to $5 million annually may be used for projects that assist in the development of broadband infrastructure within or adjacent to a multiuse corridor. The department shall give priority consideration to broadband infrastructure projects located in any area designated as a rural area of opportunity under s. 577288.0656 578and adjacent to a multiuse corridor.
    584(3) 585Beginning in the 2013-2014 fiscal year and annually thereafter, $10 million shall be transferred to the Transportation Disadvantaged Trust Fund, to be used as specified in s. 612427.0159613.
    614(4) 615Beginning in the 2013-2014 fiscal year and annually thereafter, $10 million shall be allocated to the Small County Outreach Program to be used as specified in s. 642339.2818643. These funds are in addition to the funds provided for the program pursuant to s. 659201.15(4)(a)2660.
    661(5) 662After the distributions required pursuant to subsections (1)-(4), the remaining funds shall be used annually for transportation projects within this state for existing or planned strategic transportation projects which connect major markets within this state or between this state and other states, which focus on job creation, and which increase this state’s viability in the national and global markets.
    721(6) 722Pursuant to s. 725339.135(7), 726the department shall amend the work program to add the projects provided for in this section.
History.-s. 12, ch. 2012-128; s. 73, ch. 2013-160; s. 29, ch. 2015-229; s. 5, ch. 2019-43; s. 1, ch. 2020-26.

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