500(a) 501The specific responsibilities of the commissioner shall include:5091. 510Consulting with school district representatives in the development of the system design model and implementation plans for the management information system for public school education management;
5362. 537Providing operational definitions for the proposed system, including criteria for issuing and revoking master school identification numbers to support the maintenance of education records, to enforce and support education accountability, to support the distribution of funds to school districts, to support the preparation and analysis of school district financial reports, and to assist the commissioner in carrying out the duties specified in ss. 6001001.10 601and 6021001.11; 6033. 604Determining the information and specific data elements required for the management decisions made at each educational level, recognizing that the primary unit for information input is the individual school and recognizing that time and effort of instructional personnel expended in collection and compilation of data should be minimized;
6524. 653Developing standardized terminology and procedures to be followed at all levels of the system;
6675. 668Developing a standard transmittal format to be used for collection of data from the various levels of the system;
6876. 688Developing appropriate computer programs to assure integration of the various information components dealing with students, personnel, facilities, fiscal, program, community, and evaluation data;
7117. 712Developing the necessary programs to provide statistical analysis of the integrated data provided in subparagraph 6. in such a way that required reports may be disseminated, comparisons may be made, and relationships may be determined in order to provide the necessary information for making management decisions at all levels;
7618. 762Developing output report formats which will provide district school systems with information for making management decisions at the various educational levels;
7839. 784Developing a phased plan for distributing computer services equitably among all public schools and school districts in the state as rapidly as possible. The plan shall describe alternatives available to the state in providing such computing services and shall contain estimates of the cost of each alternative, together with a recommendation for action. In developing the plan, the feasibility of shared use of computing hardware and software by school districts, Florida College System institutions, and universities shall be examined. Laws or administrative rules regulating procurement of data processing equipment, communication services, or data processing services by state agencies shall not be construed to apply to local agencies which share computing facilities with state agencies;
89810. 899Assisting the district school systems in establishing their subsystem components and assuring compatibility with current district systems;
91611. 917Establishing procedures for continuous evaluation of system efficiency and effectiveness;
92712. 928Initiating a reports-management and forms-management system to ascertain that duplication in collection of data does not exist and that forms and reports for reporting under state and federal requirements and other forms and reports are prepared in a logical and uncomplicated format, resulting in a reduction in the number and complexity of required reports, particularly at the school level; and
98813. 989Initiating such other actions as are necessary to carry out the intent of the Legislature that a management information system for public school management needs be implemented. Such other actions shall be based on criteria including, but not limited to:1029a. 1030The purpose of the reporting requirement;
1036b. 1037The origination of the reporting requirement;
1043c. 1044The date of origin of the reporting requirement; and
1053d. 1054The date of repeal of the reporting requirement.
1062(b) 1063The specific responsibilities of each district school system shall include:10731. 1074Establishing, at the district level, a reports-control and forms-control management system committee composed of school administrators and classroom teachers. The district school board shall appoint school administrator members and classroom teacher members or, in school districts where appropriate, the classroom teacher members shall be appointed by the bargaining agent. Teachers shall constitute a majority of the committee membership. The committee shall periodically recommend procedures to the district school board for eliminating, reducing, revising, and consolidating paperwork and data collection requirements and shall submit to the district school board an annual report of its findings.
11682. 1169With assistance from the commissioner, developing systems compatibility between the state management information system and unique local systems.
11873. 1188Providing, with the assistance of the department, inservice training dealing with management information system purposes and scope, a method of transmitting input data, and the use of output report information.
12184. 1219Establishing a plan for continuous review and evaluation of local management information system needs and procedures.
12355. 1236Advising the commissioner of all district management information needs.
12456. 1246Transmitting required data input elements to the appropriate processing locations in accordance with guidelines established by the commissioner.
12647. 1265Determining required reports, comparisons, and relationships to be provided to district school systems by the system output reports, continuously reviewing these reports for usefulness and meaningfulness, and submitting recommended additions, deletions, and change requirements in accordance with the guidelines established by the commissioner.
13088. 1309Being responsible for the accuracy of all data elements transmitted to the department.